1. Authors, development process and contributions¶

1.1. Authors¶

  1. Patricia LĂłpez-GarcĂ­a, Ocean Technology and Engineering Group, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK

  2. Tom Hull, Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft, UK

  3. Soeren Thomsen, LOCEAN, ISPL, Sorbonne University, Paris, France

  4. Johannes Hahn, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), Hamburg, Germany

  5. Bastien Y. Queste, Department of Marine Science, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden

  6. Gerd Krahmann, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany

  7. Charlotte Williams, Marine Physics and Ocean Climate Group. National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, UK

  8. Mun Woo, IMOS Ocean Gliders, UWA Oceans Institute and Oceans Graduate School, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia

  9. Charitha Pattiaratchi, IMOS Ocean Gliders, UWA Oceans Institute and Oceans Graduate School, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia

  10. Laurent Coppola, Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV), 06230 Villefranche-sur-Mer, France

  11. Tania Morales, Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias (PLOCAN), Canary Islands, Spain

  12. Virginie Racapé, Institut Universitaire Européen de la mer CNRS-UMS 3113, IFREMER-coriolis, Plouzané France

  13. Claire Gourcuff, Euro-Argo ERIC, Brest, France

  14. John Allen, SOCIB, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

  15. Eva Alou-Font, SOCIB, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

  16. Nikolaos D. Zarokanellos, SOCIB, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

  17. Victor Turpin, OceanOps, Brest, France

  18. Catherine Schmechtig, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, Osu Ecce Terra, Paris, France

  19. Pierre Testor, CNRS-Sorbonne Universités (UPMC Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 06)-CNRS-IRD-MNHN, UMR 7159, Laboratoire d’Océanographie et de Climatologie (LOCEAN), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Observatoire Ecce Terra, Paris, France

  20. Julius Busecke, Columbia University/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, New York, USA

1.2. SOP development process¶

  1. Initial SOP was drafted by Patricia LĂłpez-GarcĂ­a, Tom Hull, Soeren Thomsen and Johannes Hahn.

  2. Two expert sessions during OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop, May 11 - 25 2021. Additional authors joined: Bastien Y. Queste, Gerd Krahmann, Charlotte Williams, Mun Woo, Charitha Pattiaratchi, Laurent Coppola, Tania Morales, Virginie Racape, Claire Gourcuff, John Allen, Eva Alou, Nikolaos D. Zarokanellos

  3. First community and user feedback was provided during the OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop, May 11 - 25 2021 by attendees.

  4. SOP moved to this repository by: Patricia LĂłpez-GarcĂ­a, Tom Hull, Soeren Thomsen and Julius Busecke in September 2021.

  5. Additional authors joined on GitHub prior to the community review: Victor Turpin, Catherine Schmechtig, Pierre Testor, Julius Busecke.

  6. At the moment: 4 months community review on GitHub until 31 January 2022.

1.3. Contributions¶

Patricia LĂłpez-GarcĂ­a drafted the initial document collating information from several SOPs, sensor manuals and articles. Main contribution to: Introduction section (producing Table 1 from information gathered from glider users and completing information for Clark electrodes sensors SBE 43/63), Pre-deployment operations and calibrations section (subsections Storage and cleaning and Pre-deployment calibrations), Post-recovery operations and calibrations section. She added some images to the document. She co-chaired two oxygen expert sessions during the OceanGliders Best Practice workshop in May 2021. She implemented discussions and comments from expert sessions. She reviewed and edited all parts of the SOP. She helps to maintain the SOP on GitHub.

Tom Hull drafted the initial document. He wrote the introduction such as the detailed description of the different Aanderaa optodes/foil types. He implemented discussions and comments from the expert sessions. Drafted and revised the Delayed Mode Quality Control section. He co-chaired one oxygen expert session during the OceanGliders Best Practice workshop in May 2021. He reviewed and edited all parts of the SOP. He helps to maintain the SOP on GitHub.

Soeren Thomsen initiated the development of the oxygen SOP in February 2021. Drafted the initial document. Coordinated the whole development process including organising multiple meetings, e.g. two expert sessions during the OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop. He gave specific content input on the two point 0 / 100 % and Oxygen Minimum Zone calibration procedure. He reviewed and edited all parts of the SOP. He helps to maintain the SOP on GitHub.

Johannes Hahn drafted the initial document. He gave specific content input on the sections pre-deployment, operations and calibrations such as key parts like the multipoint calibration section where he provided specific values related to sensor and foil accuracy and specifications. He further provided images related to CTD calibration procedures. He joined the two expert sessions during the OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop in May 2021.

Bastien Y. Queste co-wrote the JFE Advantech RINKO and seaglider section of the introduction. He provided multiple images such as the seaglider example deployment in the Bornholm Basin. Joined the two expert sessions during the OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop in May 2021. He provided detailed feedback on the delayed mode quality control section.

Gerd Krahmann provided input to the Real Time Data Processing and Quality Control section. He revised the Delayed Mode Quality Control Section and provided example images of the GEOMAR time delay correction methods. He joined the two expert sessions during the OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop in May 2021.

Charlotte Williams wrote section on Slocum sensor integration and mounting. She joined the two expert sessions during the OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop in May 2021.

Mun Woo gave specific content input to the Delayed Mode Quality Control Section. Joined the two expert sessions during the OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop in May 2021.

Charitha Pattiaratchi gave specific content input to the Delayed Mode Quality Control Section. Joined the two expert sessions during the OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop in May 2021.

Laurent Coppola gave specific content input on the sections pre-deployment, operations and calibrations such as key parts like the multipoint calibration section where he provided specific values related to sensor and foil accuracy and specifications. He co-wrote the JFE Advantech RINKO section of the introduction. He co-chaired one oxygen expert session during the OceanGliders Best Practice workshop.

Tania Morales contributed to the content of sections pre-deployment, operations and calibrations including images for the coastal deployment at PLOCAN.

Virginie Racapé co-wrote the Real Time Quality Control section.

Claire Gourcuff co-wrote the Real Time Quality Control section.

John Allen provided feedback to the overall document.

Eva Alou-Font provided feedback to the overall document.

Nikolaos D. Zarokanellos provided feedback to the overall document.

Victor Turpin wrote the parts related to the OceanGliders data management.

Catherine Schmechtig co-wrote the Real Time Quality Control section.

Pierre Testor wrote the proposals for funding the OceanGliders best practice coordination activities. He reviewed the overall document and provided feedback on the overall document.

Julius Busecke supported the moving to GitHub and jupyter books. He helped to better facilitate the community review i.e. by implementing the commenting function via utterances-bot.